Wednesday, 5 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Ten

The Southrons & Easterlings are now complete. Here are the six elite units.

I went for very bright colours, I imagine this to be an Asian/Indian type of army.

All the units sport the orange base of their home regions on the map.

Twenty four regular units.

I continued the colour scheme.

This nation did take a little long, not only as it consists of a total of thirty units, but due the elaborate colour scheme.

A closer look.

The whole army.

Next will be the forces of Isengard.


  1. Awesome. I like the 'exotic' colors. You got these done in short order! Onwards to Isengard!

  2. Thanks Kurtus, the warg riders are complete, just need base colour and flocking. Now halfway through the twelve Uruk-Hai regulars.


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