Wednesday, 12 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Twelve

Sauron's army now complete.

Six Troll elite units.

Thirty six Orc regular units.

Red bases for Sauron.

Orcs ready to advance.

The whole army.

Next up will be the eight Nazgul, who are the leaders for all three Shadow Army factions.


  1. Well that's that. You have the bulk done. I noticed you opted to flock the bases. I think it's a good choice; will look even better on the tabletop. Well done, Ian.


  2. Thanks Kurtus, the flock still needs to be given a good soaking in PVA/water mix, I will do that when we get some warm weather.

  3. Thanks Ray, not sure if they are as they should be, but look good enough for me


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