Tuesday, 18 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Fourteen

All the figures from the core set plus The Lords of Middle Earth expansion are now complete.

Front row left to right Pippin and Merry.

Frodo and Sam, Gimli and Gollum.

Lady Galadriel, Lord Elrond and Legolas.

Boromir, with Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White looking on.

The man himself on foot as Grey and mounted on Shadowfax as White.

Strider on foot with Aragorn mounted.

From the back.

The Shadow characters.

Saruman and the dismounted Witch-king.

Mounted Mouth of Sauron.

Gothmog and dismounted Mouth of Sauron.


Witch-king mounted on a Nazgul.

The whole gang together.

I now have to paint the forty eight figures in the Warriors of Middle Earth expansion, but have enough now to begin to play the core game and the Lords of Middle Earth expansion, should I choose.

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