Tuesday, 28 May 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Nine

All the armies of the Free Nations are now painted up, so time to show them in their home areas of the map.

Men of Gondor in the south.

Men of Rohan.

Elves in Lorien, Rivendell and Woodland Realm.

Men of the North in Dale and Dwarves in the Iron Hills.

Men of the North and Elves.

Elves, dwarves and Men of the North. Much easier to tell them all apart now.

All of the armies, of course not all of each army will be on the map at the same time normally.

Attention is now turned to Southrons and Easterlings, who will field about the same number of miniatures. I hope to complete them by the end of June.


  1. These look really good, Ian. As good as any 'pre-painted' limited edition. Can't wait to see you get along with this game. I imagine you will play and record it - or blog it.


    1. Thanks Kurtus, I shall certainly try and video the game, but that might be a tall order to begin with, but blogging will be a good place to start, until I have the rules pretty much sorted.

  2. Replies
    1. It should be Ray, looking forward to actually playing a game.


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