Sunday, 30 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Sixteen and Final.

All the figures of the core set and first expansion, out in the sunshine for their flocked bases to dry.

Moving on to the Warriors of Middle Earth expansions and the Corsairs of Umbar.

The Brood of Shelob.

The Dead Men of Dunharrow and the Wild Hill Men.

The Ents.

Finally, the Great Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

I wanted to finish all the figures by the end of June, I just made it the last eagles painted on the 30th!

Monday, 24 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Fifteen

The board set up for Turn One with all the newly painted armies.

A view from the Southrons and Easterlings towards Gondor and Mordor.

The Men of Rohan stand ready.

The hordes of the dark lord gather in Mordor. Orcs, Trolls and Nazgul.

Saruman's forces in Orthanc with Uruk-hai and Wargs.

The elven nation in Lorien and Rivendell.

The reinforcements available to the Free Peoples.

I am now two thirds the way through painting the Warriors of Middle Earth expansion. The Brood of Shelob, Corsairs of Umbar, Wild Hill Men and The Dead Men of Dunharrow all complete, with the Ents now on the painting table. The final unit will be the Great Eagles. That will be a total of 261 miniatures.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Fourteen

All the figures from the core set plus The Lords of Middle Earth expansion are now complete.

Front row left to right Pippin and Merry.

Frodo and Sam, Gimli and Gollum.

Lady Galadriel, Lord Elrond and Legolas.

Boromir, with Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White looking on.

The man himself on foot as Grey and mounted on Shadowfax as White.

Strider on foot with Aragorn mounted.

From the back.

The Shadow characters.

Saruman and the dismounted Witch-king.

Mounted Mouth of Sauron.

Gothmog and dismounted Mouth of Sauron.


Witch-king mounted on a Nazgul.

The whole gang together.

I now have to paint the forty eight figures in the Warriors of Middle Earth expansion, but have enough now to begin to play the core game and the Lords of Middle Earth expansion, should I choose.

Saturday, 15 June 2019

War of the Ring - Summer Painting Project - Part Thirteen

The eight Nazgul are now complete.

I went with a green/brown scheme rather than black/grey.

Finished with two coats of Army Painter Strong Tone.

Next on the table will be the character figures, All the free people on the left and shadow in the centre are all included in the core game. The eight figures on the right are from the Lords of Middle Earth expansion.

The members of the Fellowship and three of Sauron's minions.

The eight figures from the Lords of Middle Earth expansion.

We have Gandalf the White and Aragorn to the rear. Moving forward alternative figures for the Mouth of Sauron dismounted and the Witch King, now mounted on a Nazgul.

The Balrog of Moria beside Elrond and finally at the front are Lady Galadriel and Gothmog.

Once all these are painted I can actually play a game.