A battle report using Lion Rampant, each side has 24 points and the rules are a modified version known as Wars of the Roses Rampant. This will be the first time my newly painted Arab warriors will get a run out on the battlefield.
It may seem odd that I have placed the soldiers on movement trays, there are two reasons for this, firstly I don't like to constantly handle the delicate figures and secondly I find it irksome to move them all individually. As long as you ignore frontages, which of course there are none in Lion Rampant, and keep the bases three inches apart, it works well.
The raider force consists of one unit of heavy cavalry, at the rear with shields and spears, I am giving them the same stats as mounted men at arms. Beside them are two units of mounted archers. In the front one unit of elite spears, same stats as men at arms and one unit of spear men.
The defenders have on unit of mounted men at arms, two units of archers, one unit of men at arms and one unit of spear men.
The table, ignore the troops for the moment, a village on the right side with crop fields, some open ground and then a heavily forested area with a single road giving access to the village.
Initial defender deployment.
The raiders are forced to take the only track through the forest. a unit of horse archers leading the way.
The heavy cavalry and horse archers are actually off the table on the track behind the elite spear men.
The opening moves saw the raiders advancing down the track.
A unit of horse archers galloping off towards the village.
This was my first mistake, I should have only advanced the mounted archers to bow range of 12 inches. Their fire was ineffective against the spear men.
In the defenders turn, they moved the spear men to within two inches of the mounted archers as well as moving up their archers and men at arms.
The archers, bottom right, unleashed a volley at the raiding spear men and caused one hit. The spear men on both side have the special rule of committed, meaning they do not have to test against their courage until the unit is reduced to half strength.
The first casualty of the battle.
It was now my error with the mounted archers would prove to be fatal.
The spear men declared a charge and passed with a roll of 6, however the mounted archers needed a 7+ to evade, they failed and in doing so would have to take the charge full on with a reduced armour of 1. Ouch!
The roll was five hits on the archers scoring of course five kills. In return the two hits was not enough to remove a single spear man.
With a single figure remaining, his courage of 5+ adding on five casualties, required a roll of 10. He just failed and so routed from the field. This was actually incorrect as reported later. I learned my lesson, use mounted archers to hit and run, do not leave them in a position to be contacted.
The unfortunate unit joins the dead pile.
With spirits raised the defenders advance, even the mounted men at arms passed their movement roll.
The raiders too continued with the attack.
Units pressing forward, including the second unit of mounted archers looking to avenge their fallen colleagues.
The raiders heavy cavalry still have not moved, they cannot pass the movement roll of 7+
The defenders men at arms charge into the spear men, causing two hits, but suffering two of their own.
The figures removed. Neither side requires to take courage tests as both have the committed special rule.
The mounted archers get off another ineffective volley, but this time they pull back after firing.
This time the spear men charge the men at arms, resulting in one kill for none of their own.
The mounted men at arms are forced to pull back, and being now down to half strength, needed to pass a courage test, which they did.
The defending spear men advanced on the horse archers.
Straight into the charge range of the elite spear men
The spear men were pushed back with two casualties, the elites suffering one.
The mounted archers finally got in a decent volley and took out two of the spear men.
The spear men now reduced.
The melee continued between the spear men and men at arms. Both inflicting two casualties.
The sole remaining man at arms was forced to pull back.
He failed to rally and so routed from the field.
The raiders heavy cavalry finally started to move down the track.
The current state of the battlefield, honours are about even with each side losing a unit plus some spear men.
The archers let loose on the spear men.
Causing one hit, it was here I realised a mistake I had been making, the problem with not playing for a while.
The spear men failed their courage test, they should have become battered and moved back, but I routed them!
The other unit of archers then took a shot at the elite spear men, but just failed to cause a casualty.
The spear men attacked the elite spears
The defender's spear men failed to cause a casualty whilst suffering a loss of one man and were pushed back.
The mounted men at arms begin to move up.
This time the raider's elite spear men crash into the enemy, causing two casualties for one of their own.
The same mistake again! They failed their courage test and should have fallen back battered, but I routed them from the field. At least I am consistent.
The archers let loose on the victorious elites and cause one hit.
Continuing with my error, the elites failed their courage test and routed.
The commander of the raiding party, still stuck on the track through the forest, realises he has lost three units and withdraws from the field. He will report to a higher authority and they will be back for revenge!
A very enjoyable game, despite my errors with the battered/routed units. As it was the same for both sides no real harm done. I learnt a few things fighting this battle and will be better prepared for the next encounter.
I hope you enjoyed it.